Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Lower Division Community Garden and Scotie

Scotie wrote the following e-mail to Mrs. France, “This is Scotie and I'm a junior at Casady. Zac in the 4th grade is my little brother. I am a member of the National Youth Advisory Board for the Alliance for A Healthier Generation which is a partnership between the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association that works to combat childhood obesity and promote a healthy lifestyle. As a member I get to carry out a service project in my community. Over the last few weeks I have noticed the garden growing outside of Calvert. I really want to be able to teach the kids in Lower School about leading healthy lives. A Community Garden at Casady provides an opportunity for kids to learn about healthy eating and get some exercise at the same time. I would love the opportunity to talk with you at your earliest convenience about my ideas. Would it be possible to teach some lessons with the after school kids because it would fit well with my schedule and they are already in Calvert. I understand school is almost over, and this is short notice, but I would be so excited if we could work this out!” Scotie was a master teacher to the children. He had snacks waiting for them. Then, he had a brainstorming session, played relevant games through questions and answers, gave them a handout to take home to see what were their eating habits. To end, he took them outside to play at the community garden identifying what they had planted. Before Scotie left, he gave the kids pins and a card where they could go online to find out more information about his program.

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